Hi, my name is girl on the shelf and this blog is a medium to talk about relationships and issues that affect it. We will also be telling true life stories of people that need advise relationship wise and i hope we would help them.In order not to have any misconception about what relationship actually is, i would  like to give us a little insight on what relationship actually is and next time we would start posting the enormous relationship issues that are awaiting viewers advise and insight .
Basically, we all know what relationships actually mean, we go through it in our daily life. A relationship might entail our relations with family, friends, business partners, love partners, marital partners e.t.c.
basically the kind of relationship we would focus on in this blog is the marital relationship, love relationship and sexual relationship.
So many marriages has come crashes down, some even before they began and most of this is due to wrong advise,ignorance and so many other varies of issues.
Basically, we have our various issues in our day to day lifestyles and our relationships and in order to avoid major issues that come to our daily life due to lack of advise and various intellectual absorbances.
in order words, girl on a shelf is here to help you get things in perspectives and help you reach out to others in order to get their advise.
dont forget to checkin daily.
