Four major problematic factors in relationships

Hi my peeps, sorry I have been gone for so long...I had a problem with my network for a while, now let's get back to where we stopped.
Today we will will be dealing with four major problematic factors in every relationships. We all know that every relationship has its up and downs and sometimes, most relationships comes crashes down due to this ups and downs. The major problems with couples in a relationships is that they fail to realize that this ups and downs are actually problems and should be recognized and worked on. So today we will be listing this few problems and discussing them, they are as follows:
1. LACK OF UNDERSTANDING: understanding is one of the key component of every relationship, if there is no understanding, these would be total chaos and daily problems in that relationship.
These is why in every relationship, it is very much advisable that you study your partner and get to know them better , their do's and don'ts, likes and dislikes e.t.c. Understanding who your partner is really is a key component to a successful relationship. The lack of it therefore leads to major problems in a relationships. The next factor is
2.LACK OF TRUST:  another major factor is trust. If trust is not a part of your relationship, then you might as well drop out of the relationship because lack of trust in a relationship brings about insecurities and when you don't feel secured in your relationship, then such a relationship is short termed and not bound to last very long. This is why lack of trust in a relationship becomes a problematic factor.
3.COMMITTMENT: this is one of the most twisted and neglected factors in relationships nowadays, it has a great stronghold for relationships. In a relationship, you and your partner has to decide what level of committment you want in your relationship in order for you and your partners to know your boundaries in that relationship. Without committment in relationships, there would be no boundaries and neither of you would know your rights in the relationship and this could resolve in some anti-climatic situations in the relationship.
4.RESPECT: this i have a personal experience with and I can gladly relate. Most couples don't realize what an important factor respect is in relationships, it is a very fragile concept, once a partner loses respect for the other partner, it is very hard to earn it back. Like they say, respect is earned not given. It's not just for one person but for both couples. Learn to respect each other, and on the instances were you dis respect yourselves by insulting each other or by quarreling or fighting amongst yourselves, try and apologize and gain that respect back. It's essential that respect stays in a relationship.
 Another major factor which we forget in relationship is PRAYER. It isn't until you have a problem, in your relationship that you have to pray some even don't . Build your relationship on a stronger and an unshakable foundation and you will how strong and tight that relationship will be. All this factors mentioned above combine it all with your LOVE for each other then you get a relationship truly sustainable.
