WHAT THE MEN MISS!!!the 'do's' and 'dont's' Men should take note of in their relationships
*(do) Compliment her: the thing about most men is that they get too
comfortable in their relationships thereby forgetting the simple things
that strengthen the feelings of both partners in a relationship. Never
forget to complement her when she looks good or does something good.
*(don't) Ignore her: I'm a woman,so I can rightfully tell you. One of the things we hate is being ignored especially by our men. Always make her feel noticed. In fact, make her feel visible.
*(do) Remember important dates: Men have been known to always forget significant dates. Always try to remember important dates, like birthdays, anniversaries,etc. It shows you care and it makes her feel loved.
*(don't) Over acknowledge other ladies: women get jealous and envious when their men pay too much attention to their friends or colleague. Don't over acknowledge other ladies in the presence of your woman, it makes her feel inferior and incomplete. You can pay compliments to other ladies but never pay them too much attention. Don't make her feel like she's competing for your heart.
*(do) Make her feel important: Women love to feel important, it makes us feel needed and wanted, so, always go out of your way to make them feel important.
*(don't) Overanalyse: The mistake men always make is,they try to analyze everything that their women do, everything they say, in other word, they are trying to figure out the way women think, or the reason they do the things they do, which means, they are trying to figure women out which is impossible. So take the good with the bad, its part of the bundle of a relationship.
*(do) Be honest: Most people say, if you don't lie to your girlfriend, you don't love her. That's a huge cliche, you as the man, try putting yourself in her shoes, and I'm sure you would not like being lied to. Always try to be honest with her in all things and it will strengthen your bond and trust.
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*(don't) Ignore her: I'm a woman,so I can rightfully tell you. One of the things we hate is being ignored especially by our men. Always make her feel noticed. In fact, make her feel visible.
*(do) Remember important dates: Men have been known to always forget significant dates. Always try to remember important dates, like birthdays, anniversaries,etc. It shows you care and it makes her feel loved.
*(don't) Over acknowledge other ladies: women get jealous and envious when their men pay too much attention to their friends or colleague. Don't over acknowledge other ladies in the presence of your woman, it makes her feel inferior and incomplete. You can pay compliments to other ladies but never pay them too much attention. Don't make her feel like she's competing for your heart.
*(do) Make her feel important: Women love to feel important, it makes us feel needed and wanted, so, always go out of your way to make them feel important.
*(don't) Overanalyse: The mistake men always make is,they try to analyze everything that their women do, everything they say, in other word, they are trying to figure out the way women think, or the reason they do the things they do, which means, they are trying to figure women out which is impossible. So take the good with the bad, its part of the bundle of a relationship.
*(do) Be honest: Most people say, if you don't lie to your girlfriend, you don't love her. That's a huge cliche, you as the man, try putting yourself in her shoes, and I'm sure you would not like being lied to. Always try to be honest with her in all things and it will strengthen your bond and trust.
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